
Publisher Dashboard

Configuration and Experience Management

  • Version: 1.2
  • Created: 13 October, 2022

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, Please feel free to email to [email protected].

Account Login

  1. Go to
  2. If user already has account, click on 'Username' dialogue box and enter password in 'password' box
  3. Click on 'Sign in' to continue
  4. If this is for a new user, click on 'Create' below the sign in CTA

Account Creation

  1. Enter the complete name in 'Name' Coloumn
  2. Enter the email address in the 'Email' Coloumn
  3. Enter the Phone Number in the 'Phone' Coloumn
  4. Enter the website name in the 'Website' Coloumn
  5. Enter the name of the Company in 'Organization' Coloumn
  6. Enter the desired password in 'Password' Coloumn
  7. Click on 'Submit' CTA
  8. Once the details are provided, user should go back to login screen and enter the credentials to proceed
  • Note: Once the account is approved from the admin in the dashboard, user will get a confirmation email and only then user will be able to login through his credentials.

  • Adding the project

    (User logins with the approved login id and password)
    1. Once User logs in, A blank screen is shown. '+' option is available on the right bottom of the screen to add the project
    2. Upon Clicking user is shown the dialogue boxes to be added
    3. User needs to add 'Title' of the Project
    4. User needs to add 'Description' of the Project
    5. User needs to add the address of the website in the 'Website'
    6. User can add logo of the organization in 'Choose Logo'
    7. User can add Splash screen logo in 'Choose Splash logo'
    8. User can add Toolbar logo in 'Choose Toolbar Logo'
  • Note: Once the project is created, it will be reviewed and approved from Admin
  • Note: Even after Project is approved, User status will be 'Inactive' until a Plan is purchased

  • Subscription Purchase

    (Once the project is approved from the Admin, User should click on the created project to buy subscription)
    1. User clicks on the created project and will be redirected to Subscription screen
    2. User will be given brief description of the each plans
    3. User selects a Plan and subscription successful message appears
    4. User also receives a Purchase confirmation email post sucessful purchase
    5. Upon Successful purchase, User is redirected to Dashboard Home Page
  • Note: In case of Payment failure, User is redirected back to the plan page

  • Dashboard

    Details of the options available in Dashboard


    (User is redirected to Dashboard home page post successful subscription)
    1. On the right hand top, user is provided with menu(detailed view upon clicking)
    2. In the Hamburger menu following options are available:
      • 'Dashboard'
      • 'App User'
      • 'Clients'
      • 'Property'
      • 'Configuration'
      • 'Widgets'
      • 'Integration Info'
      • 'Delete Article'
      • 'Users'
    3. User is able to see the name of the organization on the top
    4. User is able to Property and a dropdown appears to select a different project
    5. User is able to sign out by clicking on the sign out icon
    6. User is given options 'Share', 'Print', 'Export'
      • Share - User will be able to share the report
      • Print - User will be able to Print the report
      • Export - User will be able to Export the report in desired format
    7. User is provided with a detailed report of the project
      • Page Views - Informing the user on total number of times the page has been viewed
      • Avg Time on App - Informing the user on Average time spent by the person who downloads the app
      • No Of Active users - Informing the user on total no of Active users on the App
      • No Of Subscribed users - Informing the user on total number of Subscribed users
    8. User is able to see a graph showing comparsion between Subscribed and Free users
    9. User will be able to see the number of subscriptions for the current month
    10. User is able to see the total number of Android and iOS visitors per day
    11. User is able to see the revenue generated on monthly basis. User is also provided with an dropdown, 'This month'
    12. User is able to see the most visited pages in the app
    13. User is provided an option to upgrade the account to the next plan
    14. User is able to track revenue based on different platform (Android & iOS)
    15. User is able to see the Active number of users and their status in percentage wise

    App User

    1. App User
      • User is provided with the complete info of the Accounts, whether Active or inactive
      • User is provided with an option to search
      • User is able to see 10 entries on each page. If there are more than 10 accounts, user can view in the next page by clicking on Next on bottom of the page
    2. Subscribers
      • User is able to see the total number of subscribers
    3. Transaction
      • User is able to see the transaction history with all the details such as Name, Email, Staus of the account, Platform, Purchased date and time and Expiry date and time


    1. Sections (This screen defines the sections present in the application and provides option to edit the sections)
      • User is able to see the sections present in the app
      • User is able to see the name of the sections present in the App
      • User is able to see the feeder links that were input in the sections to display data
      • User is able to see the status of the sections
      • User is able to edit the sections. Under Edit option, user will be able to change name of the section, add or change feeder link, and check where he wants the link to be displayed and upon making the changes, he will have to click on submit to save the changes
    2. Home Screen (This screen explains the configuration that can be made in the home screen)
      • User is able to enable or disable the slider present in the Banner section
      • User is able to select individual article to be present on the Banner
      • User can select the required section to be displayed on the Banner. Once selected user is required to click on 'Submit' to update the changes.
      • User is able to select the section that will apppear as a widget in the App. User can also select different types of widgets. Once selected user is required to click on 'Update' to make changes
      • User needs to update Default section to be displayed on the App and click on 'Update' to make the changes
      • User is able to enable and disable HTML Widget and needs to click on 'Update' to make the changes
    3. Section Re-order (This Screen explains on how to change the order of the sections.)
      • User is able to change the order of the section or want to add any section as a subsection
    4. Theme Colors
      • User is able to change the color of the logo, top bar, tile and other things in the App


    1. Live Widget
      • User is able to toggle the widget option in the App
    2. HTML Widget
      • User is able to activate the widgets by clicking on the Edit option


    1. Integration - Ad Unit
      • User is able to activate the Ad unit in the application
      • User will have to input the Publisher Name, Publisher ID, Banner, Bottom, Interstitial coloumns
      • User will have to select the same in all iOS, Android and iPad and click on Update to save the details
    2. Integration - Vuukle
      • User should input Vuukle Host name and Vuukle ID and click on Submit to update the changes
    3. Integration - Out Brain
      • User should input Outbrain ID and click on Submit to update the changes
    4. Integration - Deeplinking
      • User should input Deeplinking URL and click on Submit to update the changes
    5. Integration - Delete Article
      • User is able to select any article and Delete the Article
    6. Integration - App Link
      • User is given an option to download Android and iPhone App link


    1. Settings - Users
      • In this screen user is shown the details of the account. User is able to see name of the Account, email address, phone number, Organization, Account created date and Account status
      • User is also given an option to edit and make changes of the account details


    A FAQ is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers on a particular topic.

    User will receive a email on the registered email address which will inform about the access of the created project.
    It requires a minimum of 24 hrs to activate the project.
    Property name cannot be changed, however, user can create a new property.
    User is able to edit user details or property details in the dashboard, once the property is approved from the Admin.
    Once the project is approved from the Admin, User should click on the created project to buy subscription.
    user is able to see Revenue details, subscription details, No of people reached etc on the Dashboard.


    If this documentation doesn't answer your questions, Please send us Email with your query to [email protected]